Product Updates

mediacockpit 10


Summary of our greatest release yet:

  • Visual and functional redesign of mediapublisher, our powerful module for building product assortments and distributing the right information and media to your channels and consumers: e-commerce, mobile, print and more!
  • Integration of mediaepaper into mediasuite, sometimes less is more!
  • Adaptation and extension of the guest login, customers configure what guest can see and do
  • Read-write interface between mediacockpit and e-proCAT for classifying data 
  • and 320 other new features and improvements. 


Publishing has never been easier!

Visual and functional revision of the mediapublisher module. 



A new home. Same great features. 

Seamless integration of mediaepaper module into mediasuite.


Guest Login

Quick access for all your contributors!

The guest login has been adapted to the new layout. You can also integrate with your single-sign on solution like Azure AD, or integrate mediacockpit with keycloak for SSO.

New features & improvements:

Over 300 new features are included the mediacockpit 10 update. We have summarized the highlights for you. 

mc10 Merken

Save UI state (hierarchies, search filter, …): If a user logs off and on again, mediacockpit remembers the last state and configuration within all modules. 

mc10 Konfiguration

Configurable list views: It is now possible to freely define the columns in search results and also other lists like children, versions, variants, relations, etc.

mc10 Sortimente

Filter objects via their assortments:  Objects can now be filtered by the assortments to they are linked to. That makes creating new assortments quicker and easier. 

mc10 Konfiguration-Spreadsheet

Column configuration in Spreadsheet: Attributes to be edited in our powerful Spreadsheet module can be configured as new columns with a single click.

mc10 Klassifikationen

Classifications in mediapim: Classifications can now be created and edited directly in mediapim. 

mc10 Multiindexing

Classifications in multi-indexing:  Classifications can now also be assigned via mass editing in our multi-indexing mode. 

mc10 REST

REST: The usage information for objects (assets, nodes) is now also provided via REST. Classifications can be edited using REST. Objects can now be searched for via linked assets and more. 

mc10 GDSN

GDSN Connector:We have integrated a GDSN connector in collaboration with b-synced. With this connector, product data can be transferred to GDSN data pools. 

mc10 Gueltigkeit

Attribute values with validity & custom parameters: Like with prices already, validity periods can be maintained for all attribute values now. Additional parameters (String, Boolean, Numer, Text) can be added by our integrators for you to use as well.  

mc11 Regionen

Region-specific attribute filtering: The user can set which regions are to be maintained on the attributes tab. This makes data maintenance much more transparent. 

mc10 Franzoesisch

GUI in French: After German and English, the GUI is now also available in French.

mc10 Abwehr

Improved security: Control how many log in attempts a user is allowed to make before their account is blocked.

APIs & Interfaces

  • e-proCAT – Classification of product data in e-proCAT and returning the classified information into mediacockpit.
  • – Through the interface, offers customers the possibility to purchase and manage media from different providers. These media are imported and instantly available for use in mediasuite.
  • DeepL – Automatic translation via the interface to
  • Amendo – Automatic optimization and scaling of image data 
  • Locationiq – Determining the precise location of your images extracted from geo data
  • GDSN – mediacockpit connector to GDSN data pool
  • Keycloak – Single Sign On via OIDC for mediacockpit and third-party systems (e.g. 

mediacockpit 10 preview

Discover mediacockpit 10. Demonstrated in the screenshots below, you will find the user interface to mediapim and mediasuite, our new and responsive dashboard as well as the administration of your required widgets. Discover new search functions, customizing options and the improved asset- and dataview. Our module mediaspreadsheet provides simple mass data processing directly in mediacockpit. Some first impressions of our best mediacockpit yet.

Highlighted Whitepaper

Manifest: One-Stop Product Content Experience

With One-stop Product Content Experience, we help our customers shape their individual future on the market in a sustainable and secure way.

Accomplish more together

We believe in the value of collaboration and exchange. This applies both to our customer projects, from which we generate many valuable insights for our product development, and to our growing partner network, with an extensive range of which we support our customers in their digitization.